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posted by: Leah on: February 20th 2007 07:48 pm
We launched our MOB Tote with MCM at our most favorite shop in the world Colette two weeks ago. It has been crazy here in MOB Land the last few weeks between traveling, fashion week, getting ready for our Spring shit to drop and a little vaca to South America but here are some of the highlights of the trip to Paris.
Eating Foie Gras and getting a tour of Paris via moped with Paris's coolest bitch FAFI made me feel like a true Parisian. I loved it. Plus Fafi is really one of the dopest girl's I've ever met. Love her!
What would a trip to Paris be without a major purchase? I drop a lot on a special item everytime I visit. This time it was on a pair of Michel Perry shoes. This is my new obsession. He is seriously amazing. I had to literally hold myself back from buying 4 pairs. Best thing is that you can try to get them here at Bergdorf's but he sells such limited quantities and styles there that you probably won't be able to get them. And that is a good thing because I really don't like when bitches bite my shit!
You can't travel across the ocean to stay in a shit hole! Paris can be tricky when finding a suitable hotel, the rooms are tiny and their idea of 4 stars is much different then how it is here in New York. But the Melia was pretty nice. I had to scream at the manager a couple times but eventually I got my adapter to charge my camera battery.
Of course the most amazing part of the trip was walking down Rue St. Honore and seeing the MOB display in the window at Colette. It felt better then any Chanel shopping bag or wad of cash in my hands. Shit, it was better then an orgasm! I was like "Damn Leah, maybe all this is really going somewhere". Damn right this shit is going somewhere.
Direct Link: https://mobliving.com/blog/491
2 comment/s for blog ID#: 491
/ from: Bronx,NY / Posted on: February 22nd 2007 07:22 pm
Can't wait for MOB Spring '07!
/ from: Toronto / Posted on: February 21st 2007 06:56 am
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